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The Adventurer $0.75
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The Adventurer
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The Adventurer
Publisher: Soapbox Games
by Ivan S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2012 14:12:55

I'm a big fan of these little, cheapie class expansions for old D&D. The adventurer class is a rather funny addition, being essentially a sort of every-man hero. He isn't overly good at any one thing, but can do a number of different tasks. On top of that, you get an inn at high levels. This character would probably fit in well in a number of different settings and groups.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Adventurer
Publisher: Soapbox Games
by James S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2012 10:38:08

The Adventurer is a great concept. They're a kind of plucky every man who picks up a few skills here and there to help them survive. More than even a Bard, they are the jack of all trades, but the master of none. However, in spite of a fantastic original concept that helps fill a niche in old school gaming, the Adventurer seems lacking in execution.

The layout feels rushed and a bit haphazard. My biggest problem is that I had to read through the product two or three times before I gained an understanding of the abilities of this class's abilities. Even with that understanding achieved the spell-casting abilities granted in later levels is woefully explained. Their casting abilities are described in a way that is counter to the rules and there is no progression or growth explained in this ability - only that it is received.

The Adventurer is a great idea and with some refinement of this PDF, this could very easily be a favorite class of mine for use in Labyrinth Lord.

Even with all the flaws I saw, I think the Adventurer could be a great NPC class or Henchman class.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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